Here at Wainbridge Solicitors Ltd, we seek to deliver a compassionate service in family law that encompasses a skilled and sensitive approach to each client’s circumstances to provide impartial and agreeable outcomes. We always strive to offer impeccable service that equips our clients with expert advice tailored to their needs and that they can trust.
In the field of family law, we specialise in certain areas and can provide a skilled and knowledgeable solicitor for guidance on the following:
Children’s solicitor – In matters relating to children, we can support child arrangement orders, the removal of parental responsibility, advice on child maintenance issues, guardianship orders and paternity disputes and resolution.
Divorce lawyer – We take each case on its merits and provide expert advice to divorcees on matters affecting financial settlements, guidance for cohabiting partners going through a separation and civil partnership dissolutions.
Personal injury – We handle many cases of personal injury where clients have been hurt at work, in a public space or a road traffic accident. Our solicitors can provide reliable and sound advice to reach a suitable outcome for the injured party.
Landlord and tenant disputes – Our solicitors understand the intricacies of tenancy law from the perspective of both the tenant and landlord. We can assist landlords in terminating tenancy agreements and tenants seeking help opposing wrongful evictions.
As specialists in family law, we aim to find an equitable resolution to each case without the need for litigation. We understand that each client has different needs, so we tailor our outstanding services to meet those needs entirely. We offer a free case evaluation and a genuine no-win, no-fee service. To arrange a free, thirty-minute consultation at your convenience, speak to one of our team members today.